Filtering Your LinkedIn Connections Shared Status Updates

linked in pen pictureUse this URL if you only want to view what your LinkedIn connections have shared on your LinkedIn home page.

LinkedIn provides a number of ways to sort and view your own and your connections’ activities, filtering out what you don’t want to see. This URL is valuable if you just want to see what your connections are talking about.

Related: Finding All Your Current LinkedIn Activity

Related: URL to View All Group Activity for Your LinkedIn Connections


giraffe--joe hertvik--august 2014

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About Joe Hertvik

Joe is the owner of Hertvik Business Services, a service company providing written white papers, case studies, and other marketing content to computer industry companies. He is also a contributing editor for IT Jungle and has written the Admin Alert column for the past ten years. Follow Joe Hertvik on Twitter @JoeHertvik. Email Joe for a free quote on white papers, case studies, brochures, or other marketing materials.
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