Category Archives: Misc

What does it mean when your LinkedIn profile is 100% complete?

I just added some skills to my LinkedIn profile. Now LinkedIn is telling me my profile is 100% complete.

I’m so proud. For a while there, I thought I’d just be dangling at 85% forever, along with all the other nerdy 85% kids.

Only thing is: I have no idea what this means. Continue reading

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Non-Sequitur: Mr Rogers and Night of the Living Dead

This has nothing to do with my usual subject matter but it makes me smile.

During the 1960s before he made the classic Zombie move, Night of the Living Dead, legendary filmmaker George A. Romero worked for none other than Mr. Rogers. Yes that Mr. Rogers.

Mr. Rogers was instrumental in getting Romero into the business, and Romero shot his first short movie for Mr. Rogers, titled (I believe) Mr. Rogers Gets a Tonsilectomy.

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What John F. Kennedy would say if he were an IT Project Manager

All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But … Continue reading

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Missing: One Gobbledygook Grader

I recently finished David Meerman Scott’s book The New Rules of Marketing and PR. In it, he has some sections on Gobbledygook which, of course, is produced by …writers [who] use the same words and phrases again and again–so much … Continue reading

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Nook comics and white papers

I’ve been a comics reader for a long time. I love the medium but I have reservations as to how it plays out on e-readers. I started looking at Barnes and Nobles’ Nook Comics as I’m playing with my Nook … Continue reading

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