Current List of IBM i Community Posts

Zemanta Related Posts Thumbnail Here’s my current set of IBM i community posts containing vendors and content providers who service the platform. These lists are community lists, meaning anyone is free to use their content.

If you know of anyone else who is posting IBM i vendor- and function-specific lists, please let me know at [email protected] . Also let me know if you think there’s someone who should be included on any of these lists or you know a good market segment for a future list.



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About Joe Hertvik

Joe is the owner of Hertvik Business Services, a service company providing written white papers, case studies, and other marketing content to computer industry companies. He is also a contributing editor for IT Jungle and has written the Admin Alert column for the past ten years. Follow Joe Hertvik on Twitter @JoeHertvik. Email Joe for a free quote on white papers, case studies, brochures, or other marketing materials.
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