MC Press Online: InFORM Decisions Reforests Burned-Over US National Forest Areas by Selling IBM i Software

From MC Press Online:

inFORM Decisions, a provider of iSeries document automation and payment automation solutions, announced it has reached a milestone of 1000 trees planted through the Arbor Day Foundation’s Gift of Trees Program to assist in the reforestation of burned-over national forest areas in the United States. Trees were paid for by inFORM each time it concluded the sale of any of its document automation or payment automation solutions starting in 2009.

Great job, InFORM Decisions. Way to fit your product line message in with the environment. Hats off to you.

Read the whole article here.

About Joe Hertvik

Joe is the owner of Hertvik Business Services, a service company providing written white papers, case studies, and other marketing content to computer industry companies. He is also a contributing editor for IT Jungle and has written the Admin Alert column for the past ten years. Follow Joe Hertvik on Twitter @JoeHertvik. Email Joe for a free quote on white papers, case studies, brochures, or other marketing materials.
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