Here’s a great Twitter tip from Lissa Duty.
#LinkedIn Secret: Can’t get a bullet into your LinkedIn profile? Create one in Word, then Copy and Paste.
— Lissa Duty (@LissaDuty) June 5, 2014
If you’re having trouble reading this embedded tweet, Lissa’s tip reads:
#LinkedIn Secret: Can’t get a bullet into your LinkedIn profile? Create one in Word, then Copy and Paste.
I tried this tip out on my own user profile to change my LI Summary and Hertvik Business Services experience entries.
I can verify that this technique works with the following caveats:
- When I pasted the text into my LinkedIn Summary, it inserted several characters of blank space (a tab, maybe?) between the bullet point itself and the start of my text. I had to go in to each bullet point and remove the blank space
- It removed any blank lines (line feeds) that I had previously put in between bullet points. If I want to add line feeds between my bullet points, I have to put them in myself.
So from my experience, this tip works. To see my results, go to my LinkedIn profile at